"Return to Castle DragonSnax" by "Luc Colyer" Release along with a website, the source text, cover art and an interpreter. Include Exit Descriptions by Matthew Fletcher. Use scoring. The maximum score is 3. The Castle is a room. "You are standing in a cold and draughty castle. There is a tower here. The dungeon is down from here and the gate to the west. The banqueting hall is to the north." The dragon is an animal. The dragon is here. The description is "[if awake]Smoke curls from the dragon's mouth as it glares at you.[otherwise]Snoring (loudly)". The dragon can be awake or asleep. The dragon is awake. Every turn when the dragon is in the location and the dragon is awake: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: if the prison guard is in the location: say "The dragon gobbles up the prison guard! Burp!"; say "The dragon satisfied with a good lunch falls asleep"; now the dragon is asleep; now the prison guard is nowhere; increment score; if the prison guard is carrying the rusty sword, now the rusty sword is in the location; otherwise: End the story saying "The dragon eats you!"; otherwise: say "The dragon [one of]growls menacingly[or]blows smoke at you[or]prepares to pounce[or]closes its eyes to just slits[or]farts at you[purely at random]" The Banqueting hall is north of the castle. "You are in a majestic banqueting hall". Instead of going north when the location is the castle and the dragon is awake: say "The dragon rears up and roars. It will not let you pass." The golden goblet is in the banqueting hall. The description is "A very rare and expensive cup. A real treasure!" The golden sword is in the banqueting hall. After taking the golden goblet for the first time: increment score. After taking the golden sword for the first time: increment score. The Throne room is east of the banqueting hall. "you are in a beautiful yet power full throne room." The king is a man. He is here. Every turn when the king is in the location: say "The king says,[one of]Who are you?[or]I order you to go north from this castle. [or]Where's my jester?[at random]". The Dungeon is down from the Castle. "A dank and gloomy dungeon." The prison guard is a man. The prison guard is here. The description is "Muscly and Cross. He is carrying [the list of things carried by prison guard]". The prison guard is carrying a rusty sword. Every turn when the prison guard is in the location: say "[one of]Hmm, Sire, I suppose you have some job for me.[or]Just tell me what to do.[or]You can write 'guard, do something' and I'll do it.[stopping] Says the guard in a deep, deep voice." Persuasion rule for asking the guard to try doing something with something: persuasion succeeds. test guard with "wait /wait/wait /guard, drop sword" in dungeon. The Secret exit is north from the dungeon. "You are crawling through a tunnel leading up out of the castle!". Instead of going north when the location is the Dungeon and the dragon is awake: say "You can't leave - the dragon is still awake!"; The jungle is up from the secret exit. "You are hiding in deep foliage in the jungle to the north of the castle." Every turn when the location is the jungle: End the story saying "You have done it! You escaped the castle and defeated the dragon! [if the golden goblet is carried]And you got some treasure too! [end if][ if a golden sword is carried] The sword will defend you on the way home![end if]". The Gate is west from the Castle. "A looming gate." The Tower is up from the Castle. "It is quite high up here! You can see your mum's cottage from here!" The flag pole is here. The flag pole is fixed in place. Top of Pole is up from tower. "You are swaying quite precariously at the top of a flag pole high above the castle. Be careful! You might fall!" Instead of going down from Top of Pole: End the story saying "You slip and fall!" Instead of jumping when the location is Top of Pole: End the story saying "You don't survive..." test flying with "Up / Up / Fly Down / Up / Up / Fly" in the castle Flying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "fly" or "fly down" as flying. Check flying: if the location is not Top of Pole: Instead say "By flapping your arms vigorously you raise of the ground for a moment! Wow"; otherwise: say "By flapping your arms vigorously you manage to fly safely down to the Castle. The dragon is almost impressed." ; now the player is in the Castle. test win with "d / guard,go up / u/ wait /wait /wait /n / get all / s/d/n/u" in the castle